176 research outputs found

    A prospective randomized trial comparing clomiphene citrate with metformin or a combination of both for ovulation induction in poly cystic ovarian Syndrome

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    AIM: To compare clomiphene citrate (CC), metformin or the combination of CC and metformin as the first line ovulation induction drug in infertility women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). METHODS: One hundred diagnosed, treatment naive PCOS women were recruited. They were randomized into any of the three groups: Group I (CC 50–150 mg/day), Group II (metformin 1700 mg/day), and Group III (CC + metformin in similar dosage to Groups I and II). Patients underwent follicular monitoring and advice on timed intercourse.. Secondary outcomes were ovulation rate, pregnancy rate. The study period was in ( 2016- 2017)  Tishreen University Hospital . RESULTS: There was no significant difference among the groups in baseline characteristics and. Group III (CC + metformin) had the highest ovulation (75.76%), pregnancy (45.46%),. Group II (metformin) was as good as Group I (CC) in all the outcomes. CC + metformin (Group III) had statistically significantly higher ovulation rate as compared to CC alone (Group I) (P = 0.03) CONCLUSION: Thus, our study shows that metformin was as good as CC in terms of ovulation and pregnancy rate , the combination of CC and metformin gave the highest ovulation and pregnancyrate . دراسة ميدانية مقارنة بين سيترات الكلوميفين وميتفورمين ومشاركة المركبين معا في تحريض الإباضة عند مريضات متلازمة المبيض عديد الكيسات هدف الدراسة: مقارنة فعالية سترات كلوميفين وميتفورمين والمشاركة بين المركبين في تجريض الإباضة من حيث معدل حدوث الإباضة والحمل في حالات العقم المعزول الناتج عن اللاإباضة المزمنة عند المصابات بمتلازمة المبيض عديد الكيسات . أهمية الدراسة : أظهرت عديد من الدراسات فعالية عالية للكلوميفين في تحريض الإباضة ولكن يوجد مقاومة له عند اخريات ,ولذلك ظهرت دراسات حول فعالية المتفورمين للعلاج وحديثا أخرى أظهرت فعالية مهمة عند مشاركة المركبين معا في حدوث الإباضة والحمل بعد استخدامه في تحريض الإباضة . مكان  البحث: المريضات المراجعات للعيادة النسائية في مشفى تشرين الجامعي بين عامي 2016- 2017 طرائق البحث : تجربة معمهة تشمل 100 مريضة  لديها لا إباضة مزمنة مصابة بمتلازمة المبيض عديد الكيسات كسبب معزول للعقم |, قسمت المريضات إلى ثلاث مجموعات وأعطيت المريضات بطريقة عشوائية سترات كلوميفين (50-150 مع / اليوم ) أو متفورمين ( 1700 مع/اليوم ) أو الإثنين معا ( بنفس الجرعة ), لتحريض الإباضة  من اليوم 5_9 من الدورة الطمثية  .يتم إجراء ايكو عبر المهبل لمتابعة الاباضة لجميع المريضات وفي حال تأخر الطمث يجرى معايرة BHCG . استمرت المعالجة لست دورات أو حصول الحمل . النتائج : معدل حدوث الإباضة في المجموعة الأولى CC)) 42.8 % ,معدل حدوث الإياضة في المجموعة الثانية ميتفورمين 41.2% . عند المجموعة الثالثة التي عولجت بالمركبين معا كانت نسبة حدوث الإباضة 75.67%. معدل حدوث الحمل في المجموعة الإولى : 28.58% . معدل حدوث الحمل في المجموعة الثانية: 27.81 % . وفي المجموعة الثالثة 45.46% . الخلاصة : كما نلاحظ من النتائج فإن معدل حدث الإباضة والحمل كان أعلى بشكل واضح لدى المريضات اللواتي تمت معالجتهن بالمشاركة بين متفورمين وكلوميفين سترات مع فروق إحصائية هامة . وهكذا تشكل المشاركة بين المركبين لعلاج العقم عاملا أقوى في تحريض الإباضة من استخدام كل مركب على حده , وفقا لدراستنا . الدراسة الإحصائية : دراسة لنتيجة تحريض الإباضة كل دورة تكون  بحساب معدل حدوث الإباضة  ومعدل حدوث الحمل  في كل من المجموعات الثلاث والعلاقة الإحصائية بينهم هي  القيمة P  ( Probability Value ) وتعتبر هذه القيمة هامة إحصائيا في حال كانت P< 0.05

    Public Awareness Toward Healthy Life: Sample from Iraqi Community 2020

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    Background: People must develop a healthy lifestyle to have a longer and healthier life. Objective: to study the Public awareness toward healthy life of Iraqi community, and it relation with some of demographic variables. Method &amp; persons: A cross-sectional study conducted from 20th June – 20th September 2022, through online questionnaire (google form) distributed through any available channels (e-mails, Viber, Chat, Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook groups) Results: Nine hundred and fifty-six Iraqi persons enrolled in this study, with age mean and standard deviation 32.67± 11.954; the highest percentage of participants 589(51.2%) aged ≤ 29 years, females 577(60.4%), currently married 480(50.2%), medical &amp; health field worker 458(47.9%), while all the non- medical persons 498, (52.1%), {students 212(22.2%), government non-medical worker 146(15.3%). most of the participants 812(84.9%) had once to twice brushing their teeth, and 408(42.7%) had sometimes using Dental floss, while 376(39.3%) of them never using dental floss, and only 39(41.1%)of the participant had regular teeth examination also good overall teeth health only in 387(40.5%). Acceptant-lifestyle 767(80.2%), and only 15(1.6%) had food &amp; water intake poor lifestyle, while in overall-checkup the majority had poor overall-checkup 561(58.7%), then acceptable overall checkup 290(30.3%). Conclusion: Most of the participant had acceptance lifestyle in concerned food and water but had poor Overall checkup for vision, teeth, blood pressure, sugar, lipid and Regular doctor checkup in general

    Designing the Residential Places for Tourists Based on Environmental Factors and Green Architecture: A Case Study in Historical City of Masouleh

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    Masouleh is a mountain city and has many striking features. The city has a stepped structure and for many years has been considered as a destination for tourists. A mild climate, breathtaking landscape, newly architectural forms and fresh air are major characteristics of Masouleh. Unfortunately, nowadays many historical and natural textures are converted to touristic and residential areas in such a way that they jeopardize the environment and nature. Although some  may claim that these dramatic changes can help cities boom economically and bring many examples of flourishing cities, made by these changes, there are many real world examples showing  natural resource are consumed hugely for the sake of developments and moreover these changes are not sustainable. In this article, two important common trends in the architectural world are discussed such as sustainability and it is applied to Masouleh in order to protect and conserve the natural texture of the city and also it presents a solution that help city grow economically

    Designing the Residential Places for Tourists Based on Environmental Factors and Green Architecture: A Case Study in Historical City of Masouleh

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    Masouleh is a mountain city and has many striking features. The city has a stepped structure and for many years has been considered as a destination for tourists. A mild climate, breathtaking landscape, newly architectural forms and fresh air are major characteristics of Masouleh. Unfortunately, nowadays many historical and natural textures are converted to touristic and residential areas in such a way that they jeopardize the environment and nature. Although some  may claim that these dramatic changes can help cities boom economically and bring many examples of flourishing cities, made by these changes, there are many real world examples showing  natural resource are consumed hugely for the sake of developments and moreover these changes are not sustainable. In this article, two important common trends in the architectural world are discussed such as sustainability and it is applied to Masouleh in order to protect and conserve the natural texture of the city and also it presents a solution that help city grow economically

    Designing the Residential Places for Tourists Based on Environmental Factors and Green Architecture: A Case Study in Historical City of Masouleh

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    Masouleh is a mountain city and has many striking features. The city has a stepped structure and for many years has been considered as a destination for tourists. A mild climate, breathtaking landscape, newly architectural forms and fresh air are major characteristics of Masouleh. Unfortunately, nowadays many historical and natural textures are converted to touristic and residential areas in such a way that they jeopardize the environment and nature. Although some  may claim that these dramatic changes can help cities boom economically and bring many examples of flourishing cities, made by these changes, there are many real world examples showing  natural resource are consumed hugely for the sake of developments and moreover these changes are not sustainable. In this article, two important common trends in the architectural world are discussed such as sustainability and it is applied to Masouleh in order to protect and conserve the natural texture of the city and also it presents a solution that help city grow economically

    An Overview of Management of Cancer Approach with Medical and Dental Considerations

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    This review emphasizes about making the members of the professional Colleges aware of some important aspects of oral cancer in particular &amp; cancer of body in general and its impact on the Dental Surgeons to be a part of the weapon against fighting this devastating disease. Cancer is the major public health problem affecting developed and developing countries. Therefore this review focusses on cancer management by taking into mind dental and medical considerations

    Predictors and their domain for statistical downscaling of climate in Bangladesh

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    Reliable projection of future rainfall in Bangladesh is very important for the assessment of possible impacts of climate change and implementation of necessary adaptation and mitigation measures. Statistical downscaling methods are widely used for downscaling coarse resolution general circulation model (GCM) output at local scale. Selection of predictors and their spatial domain is very important to facilitate downscaling future climate projected by GCMs. The present paper reports the finding of the study conducted to identify the GCM predictors and demarcate their climatic domain for statistical downscaling in Bangladesh at local or regional scale. Twenty-six large scale atmospheric variables which are widely simulated GCM predictors from 45 grid points around the country were analysed using various statistical methods for this purpose. The study reveals that large-scale atmospheric variables at the grid points located in the central-west part of Bangladesh have the highest influence on rainfall. It is expected that the finding of the study will help different meteorological and agricultural organizations of Bangladesh to project rainfall and temperature at local scale in order to provide various agricultural or hydrological services

    Pramipexole protective effect on rotenone induced neurotoxicity in mice

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    Introduction: &#xd;&#xa;Pramipexole is a new dopaminergic drug which has been approved for PD treatment. However, we tried to find a new capacity for this drug rather than symptomatic effect. &#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;Materials and Methods: &#xd;&#xa;A chronic rotenone model with daily oral dose of 30mg/kg was induced in mice. Pramipexole was tried in a new approach where the treatment began in the middle of rotenone course with oral dose 1mg/kg/day of pramipexole. &#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;Results: &#xd;&#xa;Further analysis of behavioral tests and immunohistochemistry revealed success of pramipexole in improving the rotenone intoxicated mice. &#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;Conclusion: &#xd;&#xa;These results showed possible beneficial effects of pramipexole against rotenone-induced neurotoxicity